
Oval plate size comparison

Easy to understand size of oval plate

Recently, I've been seeing a lot of scenes using oval plates . Both on Instagram and in real life. Or rather, I've seen them before, but maybe I'm just starting to notice them.
If you try using it, you'll understand that it has a very different feel to a round plate. It feels more like something you'd find in a restaurant, and to put it simply, it feels stylish.
In my house too, my children have started choosing only oval plates.

We get a lot of inquiries about the size of these oval plates. (We have those oval plates .)
When you run an online store, you run into the problem of not knowing the size of any product. Even if it says XX cm, it's hard to understand. Exact numbers alone are not enough. I think you have to appeal to the right brain.
It is the nature of the shop to want to make things look as nice as possible, and there are often conflicts, as although the expression is easy to understand, it seems a bit off.

However, this time, for ease of understanding, we will introduce a size comparison of oh's `` that oval plate .''
By the way, if you want to know the meaning of "ano" please check the product page .

Comparison of sizes of oval plates that everyone knows

I immediately looked around the refrigerator and took a photo from above.
In oh, we use sizes such as W17 and W23, but the numerical part is the diameter of the longer side. W17 is 17cm, and W23 is 23cm.

Oval plate width 17cm The oval plate W17 and cherry tomatoes

That Oval Pre-Auto W17 and green peppers That Oval Pre-Auto W17 and green peppers

That Oval Pre-Auto W20 and Cherry Tomatoes
The Oval Pre-Auto W20 and Cherry Tomatoes

That Oval Pre-Auto W20 and green peppers
That Oval Pre-Auto W20 and green peppers

That Oval Preauto W20 and Vanibeco No. 2
That Oval Preauto W20 and Vanibeko No. 2 (this is a bonus, lol)

That oval plate W23 and Kinmugi 350ml
The oval plate W23 and Kinmugi 350ml

That oval plate W23 with green peppers and cherry tomatoes
That oval plate W23, green peppers and cherry tomatoes

That oval plate W26 and persimmon pie
That oval plate W26 and a small packet of persimmons

That oval plate W17 and persimmon pie
By the way, the contents of Kakipi fit perfectly on the oval plate W17.

That oval plate W26 and Oinari-san
That oval plate W26 and four inari sushi

The oval plate W29 and the OS-1 (500ml) from the Tokoro-san commercial
The oval plate W29 and the OS-1 (500ml) from the Tokoro-san commercial

That oval plate W29 and 10 eggs
That oval plate W29 and 10 eggs

The Oval Plate W29 and Goblet Mug Brownie That oval plate W29 and the goblet mug brownie (also a bonus)

How about.
We compared the sizes of oval plates using items that you might have in your fridge.

By the way, in my house, we serve side dishes on a large platter on W29 and use the oval plates W17 and W20 as side plates.

For curry rice, W26 is a regular portion, while W29 is just right for a growing high school student.
I think the W23 is just the right size for two people to enjoy a beer.

Finally, a little trick.

That oval plate W19 and Palo Santo
The oval plate W17 and Palo Santo

I tried using the W17 oval plate as a tray for Palo Santo.
Palo Santo is a natural incense also known as fragrant wood.

Even without lighting it, it has a sweet and refreshing scent, but when you light it, it adds a smoky scent and spreads more throughout the room. The fire goes out in a few minutes, but the oval plate will get a little yellowish and dirty because it releases oil.
So far, I've been able to clean it using detergent. However, if I keep using it, it may not come off, so I might have to use Palo Santo exclusively.

It looks really good.
I personally recommend it!

Products introduced in this article

That oval plate
That oval plate

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