
How to choose the size of your oval plate

Repeat orders for that oval plate have been increasing little by little.
I am so happy. Thank you very much!

*That oval plate is an oh original item, the product name being an abbreviation of " The oval plate I encountered at that bar."

At the same time, there were also some opinions that said they weren't quite sure about the size, or weren't sure what to put on it to look good.

I've also introduced it on Instagram, but since not everyone checks out Instagram, I thought I'd summarize it here for now.

First of all, the size of the oval plates is such that the minimum width is 17cm and they are available in 3cm increments.

Width refers to the longer diameter of the oval.

Oval plate size and name

Available in five sizes: 17cm, 20cm, 23cm, 26cm, and 29cm .

However, the width of the area where you can serve food is about 6 or 7 cm smaller than this.

That's because oval plates have rims .

A rim is the edge of a plate, and since it rises at an angle, it is not a part that can be used to serve food flatly.

Instead, the rim creates a moderate amount of space, which has the advantage of making it easy to hold.

In fact, this white space is what makes it look stylish .
The space created by a round plate tends to be evenly shaped, but the shape of the space created by an oval plate is more distinct.
There are sharp parts and plump parts, and the natural combination of these elements creates beauty.

In addition, the step created by the rim casts a shadow. This creates a three-dimensional effect, giving the plate a better atmosphere than a flat round plate. It may function like a picture frame.

Therefore, even if you place just one item by itself, the room will still somehow look tidy.

French Cruller Size Comparison

Going back to the topic of size, the key point is how much space you have when you put food on the oval plate. It's better to have a little extra room than a size that's so tight it feels cramped.

This time, I would like to compare the sizes of oval plates using the same food. I had a hard time deciding what to use, but I chose a French cruller from Mister Donut, which I'm sure you've all tried at least once!
I think you can get a general idea of ​​the size.

I took some photos to show how many French crullers would look on each size oval plate.

Oval Plate W17 and French Cruller
With the W17 oval plate, even one piece is too much. It might be a bit cramped.

Oval Plate W20
The Oval Plate W20 is the perfect size for one French cruller! Perfect for serving with coffee.

Oval plate W23 and one French cruller
The oval plate W23 and French cruller have a little room to spare, so it feels like you could fit another one in there.

Oval plate W23 and 2 French crullers
The oval plate W23 and two French crullers are just the right size.
(I'm starting to feel hungry now)

Oval plate W26 and one French cruller
The oval plate W26 and one French cruller have plenty of space.

Oval plate W26 and 2 French crullers
The oval plate W26 and two French crullers are slightly spacious and have an elegant feel.

Oval plate W26 and 3 French crullers
If you try placing three French crullers on the oval plate W26, it might be a bit of a stretch. In this case, it might be better to use the rim to place them.

Oval plate W29 with one French cruller in "Only one left" status
The oval plate W29 and one French cruller are in a state where there is only one left! Lol

Oval plate W29 and two French crullers, with plenty of space
The oval plate W29 and two French crullers have just the right amount of depth.

Oval plate W29 and 3 French crullers
Oval plate W29 and 3 French crullers. I think I can fit one more. I should have bought it.

Something like that.
This time we used a Mister Donut French cruller to compare the size of the overplates, but was it easy to understand?

For reference, we will also introduce the oval plates that have been uploaded to oh's Instagram so far.

Canelé and oval plate
One canelé fits perfectly on the W17 oval plate!

One grilled salmon fillet is W20
It is also useful for Japanese cuisine. If you are serving a single fillet of grilled salmon, we recommend the W20 oval plate. It will make your breakfast more enjoyable.

For saucers for goblet mugs, use the W20 oval plate
The W20 oval plate can also be used as a saucer for a goblet mug and to serve sweets.

I arranged Oreos on an oval plate We tested how many Oreos we could fit on each size of oval plate.

For dishes served on large platters, such as chili shrimp, stir-fried pork with green peppers, and fried chicken, we recommend the W29.
I think the W20 would be a good small serving plate.

Did this help you choose the size of your oval plate?

That oval plate

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