新商品「あのマルチボウル」ができるまでの5年 〜前編〜

Five years until the new product "That Multi Bowl" was created - Part 1

Hello, I'm Wada, the owner of the store.
Well, oh's new original product " That Multi Bowl " will be coming soon. (*It was released on January 25, 2024.) It is a bowl that can be used for a variety of purposes, from rice to single dishes and soups. Please look forward to it.

It has been almost five years since we discovered the prototype of this new product. In this article, I would like to tell you the story behind its development in two parts.

I like business supplies

Have you ever liked someone for no reason?
There are things that we are drawn to intuitively for some reason, and when we look at them, we lose sight of our surroundings, and when we touch them, something like dopamine is released and we lose track of time. Is there anything that you just can't resist?

In my case, one of those items is "business supplies."
For example, McDonald's trays, Sukiya spoons (actually, the prototype of that spoon ), tableware at Korean restaurants, and toilet paper holders in cafes.

If I come across something that I think is great, I'll keep looking until I find out where I can buy it. Some can be purchased in cooking districts like Kappabashi in Tokyo, or at regular stores, but they are few and far between, so I often end up tracking down a salesperson at a company that specializes in that product and buying it directly from them.

The things I come across in restaurants are things that the restaurant owner has already purchased before I have used them, and I am using them on the spot, so I always have memories of the impression of the space, the taste, the smell, etc., and it's a slightly different feeling than finding something in an interior design shop.

It's like the thing is alive.

I discovered that cafe.

This photo was taken at a cafe in Ebisu, Tokyo. Since my company was nearby, I used to frequent this restaurant for lunch. The most popular dish is the fried chicken set meal, which comes with curry as the sauce - a devilish dish. Of course, you can have as much rice as you want. But that's not really important (lol). I came across this rice bowl there, which has an excellent shape, is easy to hold, and has a great weight balance, so every time I visit I'll look at the back, wondering "Where is this dish from?", but there is no marking or marking.

I searched for a store that sold them, but I couldn't find any anywhere... I made up my mind and asked the store manager, and it turned out that they were a rental company. He told me the name of the company, and I was able to get them somehow.

Three years have passed since then. It has been used, used, and worn out as the main dish on the dining table. It has been dropped many times and has been treated quite roughly, but it is still stored in the cupboard today.

You might get tired of using it, but the impression that it is easy to use has remained. The important thing about a rice bowl or rice bowl is that it is easy to hold . If the balance of the area, shape, and center of gravity of the part that touches the hand is not good, it will make you tired when using it.

For example, the recently released iPhone 15 Pro is about 20 grams lighter, but when you hold it, it feels even lighter. This is because the shape is slightly rounded, increasing the area that touches the hand, and the balance of the center of gravity has been adjusted. There are things about tools that can't be measured by numbers alone, but can only be understood by actually touching them.

A lovely form

But being easy to use alone is not enough to keep it around for a long time. What I like most about it is the shape . The cute, round shape is very charming. The wide mouth and low height of the bowl reminds me of designer Mori Masahiro's flat rice bowls, and it looks great when you put a little rice or side dish in it.

Masahiro Mori's flat rice bowl

When flat rice bowls were first created, it was common to serve rice in a bowl like in manga, but Masahiro proposed a new style of serving a little rice in a slightly wider, shallow bowl. Nowadays, this bowl is more commonly used as a bowl for serving side dishes other than rice.

When I heard that, I began to think that there might be more ways to use the dishes in my home...I had no idea at the time that this would lead to the development of `` that multi-bowl .''
To be continued

Five years until the new product "That Multi Bowl" was created - Part 2

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